Tuesday 6 May 2008

3. Genuine, transferable experience from a wide range of Clubs and Societies.

No one can deny the huge burden of responsibility that comes with being Guilds President and so it is vital that the President has experience in organising events, academic representation and financial responsibility. These are experiences I have gained from working in a range of clubs and societies.

Over the last year I have been a Chair, a Treasurer, a Secretary, a Trustee of a Charity and a Mascot Bearer. So I've seen all the workings of the Union.

As Council Chair I have had to keep people's temper down, steer debate, have deep understanding of the issues at stake and
wait 75 minutes for a pizza. On this job I have learnt vast amounts about the Union, about how people debate and how not to submit reports.

Being Snowsport's Treasurer this year gave me a full understanding of the Union finances and how do get things paid fast. Ask anyone on the Christmas Ski trip, 112 cheques and claim forms had to be written. Obviously along with the budgets I wrote I am completely capable of ultimately being financially responsible for this our Faculty Union.

I also organised the Easter ski trip which required not only similar organisational skills that I would use as Guilds President, I also had to be the pastorial point of contact for all those on the trip.

In my role as Council Chair I sat on the Trustee Board of the Union, which gives one an overarching view of the Union, and how to look at it in the long term.

Officially I have been only Spanner Bearer in Guilds this year, but this hides what else I have done. I been at the core of the revival of the last term. participated heavily in RAG week, even organising one very large part of it. I also know what happens in Guilds, why this year it hasn't worked all that well and what potential it does have.

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